Human Rights Summer Research and Internships

Thesis Research Assistance:

Interdisciplinary research is central to the mission of the Trinity College Human Rights Program so each year we fund several prospective human rights thesis writers to begin their research over the summer between their junior and senior years. This requires an accepted thesis proposal 2-3 pages and a budget with expected expenses and plan for research over the summer. Typical awards range from 2-3000$.

Summer Internship Assistance:

The Human Rights Program is dedicated to enabling students to explore and learn more about human rights issues and organizations in Hartford, their hometowns, and metropolitan areas in the United States and abroad. Our goal is to provide opportunities for human rights majors and minors in pursuit of their own individual interests with financial assistance from the Human Rights Program. Each year, the Human Rights Program selects 2-3 Trinity students who have obtained a human rights internship to be awarded stipends as they work at the organization of their choice. The internships, which offer students the opportunity to translate what they have learned in their Trinity courses to hands-on professional experiences, prove to be transformative. Students return to campus with a more sophisticated understanding of human rights issues and the world of advocacy. Students must submit an expected budget with expenses. Stipends typically range from 2500-3500$.

We have limited annual funding so students are encouraged to apply for other sources of funding like summer research grants (usually due in early March) or the Catalyst Summer Internship Funding as a backup and/or supplement.

All students who receive either research or internship funding are expected to give a short presentation on their summer experience at a common hour event (3rd Thursday in September following their summer research).

Link to Summer Research Grants:

Link to Catalyst Instructions:

If you are interested in applying for the Human Rights Summer Research or Internship grant, please come back for the Summer 2025 Human Rights Summer Research application.

Oxford Human Rights Research Consortium (Oxford Trip):

Each year during the first week of July (see website for precise dates) Trinity partners with the Oxford Human Rights Research Consortium to send 2-3 students to Oxford for a human rights conference. This opportunity is available to human rights majors or minors who are rising seniors. Must have a valid passport at time of application. The Human Rights program will cover up to 1000$ of your flight and your tuition for the trip. Room and board and 1 meal per day are included in tuition. Students are responsible for any additional expenses.  Students are responsible for any additional expenses and you should budget at least 150-200$ dollars for additional food/transport.

To Express Interest/Apply (please come back for the deadline in April) send the following to Professor Carbonetti: Please have a valid passport, please be a rising senior majoring or minoring in human rights, submit a short single-spaced essay of 500-600 words on why the current topic of the summer workshop is of particular interest to you based on previous experiences and course work at Trinity, and how it will help advance your understanding of human rights or thesis/senior project research.

Funding for Student Research

Andrew J. Gold and Dori Katz Fund for Human Rights

Funding will cover pertinent research projects, travel, purchase of material, and internships. Application may be made at any time prior to the third week of the spring semester. A committee of faculty members and administrators reviews applications and awards grants.  Students interested in seeking a grant should contact Professor Benjamin Carbonetti, Director of the Human Rights Program.

Other Funding

Trinity students undertaking urban/global projects can also apply for several grants. See other grant sources.